Seeking Solace: Mood Boards & Sneak Peeks of My New Art Collection

Art is a place where opposites can coexist — softness and structure, movement and stillness, nature and architecture. But lately I’ve been thinking about a deeper kind of duality: how we can hold beauty alongside uncertainty. I keep coming back to how solace isn’t always about escape, but finding stillness within the chaos.

My upcoming collection, Seeking Solace, is a search for the quiet, steady presence of beauty even when the world feels heavy. It embraces the interplay between fluid, abstract landscapes and architectural compositions, two sides of my work that I’ve fully leaned into. The mood boards I’m sharing today capture the essence of these paintings, weaving together the textures, colors, and emotions that shaped them.

You’ll find sneak peeks of my new paintings interwoven with imagery from places and color palettes that inspire me — Parisian rooftops, the sun-warmed hues of Siena, the organic greens of the Pacific Northwest, succulent gardens of the French Riviera, and modern architecture of Los Angeles.

As humans we often experience upheaval, whether it is personal or global. I hope this collection offers a moment to pause. A reminder that while beauty doesn’t erase pain, it can sit beside it and offer a place to rest and breathe.

The full collection will be available this month. Notes From The Studio subscribers will be informed first.

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I can’t wait to share more soon. Until then, I hope these mood boards bring a sense of balance, beauty, and solace, wherever you are.


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