Creative Collections on Tumblr

If you’ve been following Inward Facing Girl for at least a little while, you know that when I’m struggling with projects I’m always on the overwhelmed creative side of the creativity spectrum. I have tons of things I want to do, more projects in my head than time on this earth, and I can’t just dump everything on this blog. I mean, I could. It’s my blog, but I’m not going to take you through my every whim. Not here, anyway.

In addition to Instagram, Twitter, Pinterest, and Facebook, I’m going to start using Inward Facing Girl | Studio again to share some of my work-in-progress or other creative projects that I’m working on that I’m not quite ready to post here.

I also created a brand new Tumblr called The Roving Curator, not to be confused with my friend The Jealous Curator, as a place where I can put anything that I’m inspired by anytime that I want from anywhere that I find it. I’m thinking of it as my creative playground – a place without structure or rules. If I want to write something to accompany the images I can, but I don’t have to. There are no categories, boards, formats, or topics that I need to stick to. I don’t know about you, but I love having that kind of creative freedom.

Do you have a place like this that’s separate from your blog, Pinterest, Instagram, etc. accounts? If so, share your link in the comment section! I’d love to visit your creative free-for-all site. xo