Creative Mix: Joy Uyeno – Blogger, Designer, Photo Stylist, Photographer

You know what’s awesome? When you meet someone that’s not only extremely creative, smart, and talented, but who is also a genuinely kind person. That’s Joy Uyeno from Frock Files and…as of today!…Frock PhotographyI met Joy at Alt Design Summit this past January, then we kept in touch through Skype, email, and Twitter and I’m so glad that we did. I think you’ll love getting to know her too. 

What is your Creative Mix? Tell us about all the creative things you do.

My days involve writing, design, cooking, crafting, and now photo styling and photography. Throw in a big dose of social media and you’ve got my week in a nutshell.

I know that you’ve worked as a freelance writer and designer. What has that experience been like for you? What are the great parts and the pain-in-the-ass parts? And…hello…you used to work at a detective agency?! Elaborate. :)

Yes! For a long time I thought that the fastest way to become independent was to work a desk job with benefits and all those great parameters, so I tried out a lot of different things (I wrote a post called “Help Wanted” about the 18 jobs I had over the course of 15 years). One of my jobs was as a report editor for a detective agency that investigates people committing insurance fraud. It was the most depressing job I’ve ever had, and the office itself made me want to cry – plastic blue cubicles, dirty grey carpeting, and the buzz of the air conditioner all day long. I begged them to let me hang decorations at Christmastime and they thought I was crazy.

Through all of these jobs and during graduate school, I wrote for magazines and newspapers. For several years, I wrote a travel column for the newspaper in Hawaii. One magazine even sent me rock climbing in New Hampshire – a sort of “city girl does adventure travel” piece. In graduate school, I learned that I love design and people began asking me to work on their marketing collateral. Eventually, I began designing websites with my friend Stephen and we opened up shop as Fenway Creative.

While some people thrive in a structured environment, working for myself has always felt more natural. When I stopped fighting that, everything began to fall into place. All of the experiences I’ve had play some role in what I do today. They also did me the service of showing me what I don’t want, so that by the time I came to blogging, designing, and styling, I knew in my gut that it was the right thing, and that I was in it for the long haul.

Today is a big day for you because you’re launching Frock Photography! Woohoo! I’m super happy and excited for you. With so many creative interests, what made you focus on that part? (ha…get it…focus…a camera…haha…)

Your enthusiasm means so much to me! Thank you! Frock Photography sprouted up after this organic growth of interest in the photo styling and photography on Frock Files. People began to take notice and a few people contacted to ask if I offered styling and photography as a service. Since then, I’ve worked with some great clients and I decided to make it official by launching Frock Photography.

What are the most awesome and the scariest parts about starting a new business?

When I first began freelancing, I was terrified of rejection, and I think with any new business there’s always this fear that no one will be interested. But over time I’ve realized that I can’t control any of that and I’ve focused instead on the work I’m already doing.

The most awesome part about launching a new business is the prospect of growing something great and developing new relationships with people I enjoy and admire.  

And last, but certainly not least, how has blogging and social media impacted your career? 

Blogging has changed a lot of things for me in the best possible way! It’s given me space to have a voice, to experiment, and play. The community I’ve become part of has inspired me to expect more from myself. It’s because of these people that I’m motivated to blog each day, and to keep things fresh. And it’s given me the opportunity to think carefully about and choose wisely the projects I work on, which makes my days interesting and full of creativity.

“To do work that doesn’t feel like work? That’s a gift.”


Thank you so much for chatting with us today, Joy! Good luck with Frock Photography. I know it will be awesome. xo