Will You Be Part of My Social Experiment Today?

Today I had planned to share some photos I’ve taken on recent adventures with Nathaniel and Drew, like the time Nathaniel “drove” the monorail. My office is also my bedroom, so I was just waiting for Drew to get up so I could finish editing the photos. 

To pass the time (after I spent literally an hour lying in bed and reading things on my phone – do you guys do this?!) I did a little work on revamping my Pinterest boards, which apparently is going to take a gazillion years. Maybe I should just start overThen I jumped over to Twitter and Facebook to see what my friends are up to. I’m not sure what I read or did that made me think of this idea and abandon my original post plan, but I’m glad I did.

Let’s talk to each other. Have conversations. Be social. Isn’t that what social media is supposed to be about? I love getting comments on my blog and interacting here and I love chatting on Twitter, but I honestly don’t feel Facebook so much. Mostly I’ve been using it as a platform to share information, not really as a conversational tool, and I really want to change that. I don’t want to be bored (or boring) on my page. 

So here’s how it’s going to work. I’m going to ask a question here and on my Facebook page, then you guys can come over and we can hang out and chat about it. Who knows where the conversation will go? I just know that I like “talking” to people and at least some of you like “listening” to me, so let’s hang out and do it in semi-real time! I know we all have work to do. 


I spend way too much time at my desk in front of my computer. It’s so easy for me to get sucked into my internet world and not make time for important things like working out. I NEED to work out, people. However, I absolutely HATE working out. And don’t give me any of that, “once it becomes a routine, you’ll love it” nonsense. I have made it a routine in the past and I never loved it. I just felt guilty if I didn’t do it. Guilt does not equal love. 

I’ve decided that today I will work out. But it has to be something easy that doesn’t require me to leave my apartment. I’m thinking a mix of cardio, yoga, and light weights. Other than finding the time to work out, my other problem is that I think it is SO FREAKING BORING. My mind hates it. I used to listen to music when I worked out, but it bores me now. I’ve found podcasts are good at keeping my brain busy enough to make it through a workout, so I’m hoping to find some new ones. 

Do you guys have any relatively fast but effective workout routines that you can do at home while listening to a podcast or watching a TED talk? Do you have any recommendations for interesting podcasts about creativity, design, women entrepreneur stuff, blogging and social media, positive psychology, or anything else along these lines? 

Join me here and let’s talk about…shudder…exercise. If the experiment is fun, maybe we can do more. You’ll just have to tell me what you think about it. Talk to you soon! xo

Reminder: My brand new ebook Blog with Purpose is on sale for $9.99 until March 13th. After that it goes up to the full price of $14.99. Get your copy today! :)