You’re My Obsession: Play Pen by Martin Salisbury

Do you guys read UPPERCASE Magazine? If not, you should check it out. It’s a great introduction to some amazing creative people – artists, photographers, designers, writers, and all sorts of makers – that you may not have heard of yet. 

In a recent issue I learned about the book Play Pen: New Children’s Book Illustration by Martin Salisbury, and after the first glance I knew that my husband had to have it for Christmas. We both love children’s books and the awesome illustrations.

Here are some of the artists that stood out to me. 

Marc Boutavant

Marc Boutavant did the cover for Play Pen, as well as one of the books that we bought for Nathaniel, For Just One Day. He also illustrated Around the World with Mouk, which we don’t have yet, but it’s on the list.

I love how colorful and cheerful his illustrations are. Play Pen showcases some nice pink ones! 

Øyvind Torseter

Øyvind Torseter is a Norwegian illustrator who creates his work by making models out of paper. I love that technique. Take a look at some of the amazing illustrations from Eg er ein frosk and Gi gass, Ine.

Marina Sagona

Marina Sagona is an illustrator based in New York. In addition to her beautiful books, she has quite an impressive client roster. Her book No was featured in Play Pen

Who are some of your favorite children’s book illustrators? I’d love to see if we like any of the same ones! xoxo