My Mighty Life List, Revisited

Keeping with the “re” theme of yesterday, I’d like to take a fresh look at my Mighty Life List. Partially this is because I’m going to Camp Mighty next month. Also, I’m taking an ecourse where we have homework assignments like, “blog about your goals.” Basically I’m being super efficient right now.

At Camp, we’re going to be divided into smaller groups to discuss five things on our Life List that we’d like to accomplish within the next year. We’re encouraged to create a list of 100 items, but we need some sort of focus and realism for a year, right?

I was able to cross off some awesome things this year. I feel like the beginning and middle of 2012 was about figuring out what I want to do, finding my footing, and taking a leap of faith. The last part of this year has been about refining my goals, and will be focused on going out and getting clients for my business. I also want to start working on some of my creative goals.

My Life List could also use some pruning. I want to make sure that anything on the list still matters to me. Like life itself, Life Lists are constantly in flux. As your interests change, your goals follow suit. I’m sure that there are some things on my list that do not fit.

I’m looking forward to spending some time with my Mighty Life List this month, and changing it up before I head to Palm Springs. I’ll share it with you when I’m done (with this round).

Do you have a Life List, or something like it? How do you make sure you’re moving towards the things that you want to do in your lifetime? How do you weed out the stuff that doesn’t really mean anything to you, or that sucks up your time and energy with little to no reward?
