What’s Next?: The First Steps of Launching a Business Took Longer Than I Thought

That’s kind of what I have to ask myself when I look at the to-do list that I gave myself last week. To say that I was a bit ambitious is an understatement.


Of the four detailed tasks that I assigned myself, I was able to complete these things.

1. Updated My Mighty Life List

I got to mark off have a creative group of girlfriends that live in the same city as I do and show my artwork in a gallery. A few things I added within the past month or two are: host a children’s community art show (Thanks, Jen!), attend a Kinfolk dinner or brunch, go on a photo walk with Leslie of Lights and Letters, go to Camp Mighty, Mighty Summit, and Mom 2.0, sell a collage that I created, and last, but most definitely not least, hug Oprah.

2. Updated My Press+ Page

This is definitely the thing that took longer than I thought – getting the logos and all the links, and formatting the page to look the way I wanted it to look. I’m pretty happy with the way it turned out. Much more visual!

3. Decided on Joining The Crave Company

So, I’ll definitely be joining Crave. I met up with my new pal Kelli from Shindig Events and we discussed it over breakfast at The Fat Hen. I’m in! Once I can write up what I’m doing so it can be included in their lovely book this year. 


Then there’s the stuff I didn’t plan to do, but did. Not counting random pinning and dreaming of Oprah hugs.

1. Wrote a Draft of a Pitch

I have an idea for a blog column that I’d like to write and have written the first draft of my pitch. The next step is to research the places I’d like to submit it, decide on one or two for now, refine the pitch, and send it in.

2. Emailed Oprah

Didn’t you know we’re BFFs? Fine, I just submitted through the share your story page. Details. I feel like there’s a big shift in what’s going on in the world of women in media, supporting rather than competing, and more things that she should know about. She should probably hire me to write about it too. Just saying.

3. Did a Blog Consultation

A friend asked me for a blog consultation. She said that she realized it would be part of my business and didn’t expect to receive free advice, and the rest turned into Charlie Brown teacher speak. I got stuck on the words, “it would be part of my business.” Would it?

Honestly, I hadn’t plan to offer consulting sessions for blogs, but after doing this test run with my friend, I’m all in! It was really fun to be able to look over her blog in general, look over it based on specific issues that she wanted my input on, put my notes together, then discuss it over the phone. It was super productive and fun. I loved doing it! I know I don’t have my rates posted yet for this service, but if you’re interested just send me an email and we can discuss the specifics.

What’s Next?

Obviously last week’s list was a bit much. I’m going to try to be more realistic with next week’s plans.

1. Decide how I want my landing page to look and what information it should contain.

2. Get a new headshot.

I’m not digging the one I have on my about page and other places online. I like this photo, but Sandra is in it. No offense to Sandra, of course. I love Sandra, but I can’t have her in my headshot. Dilemmas! 

3. Create a business page for Inward Facing Girl.

This means that I’m going to need to spend some time writing out exactly what services I want to offer, deciding how much I want to charge for specific things, and designing a page that shares this information in a pretty way. I also want to come up with a business tagline.

Questions for You

Do any of you guys do (or know anyone who does) freelance graphic design, social media, or blogging? If so, will you send me your/their rates for different packages/tasks? Do you/they charge hourly or by project? I’ve been doing some research but want to have as much information as I can to be fair to me and my clients when I set prices. Thank you!