You’re My Obsession: November 28-December 4, 2011

You're My Obsession December 2011
My Birthday
My birthday was on Thursday and my several day celebration (that actually started on Wednesday night with my favorite cake) was pretty awesome. Here are some of my favorite birthday treats.

* Taking the day off work and spending it with my sweet, thoughtful husband.

* Eating my very favorite cake ever that my very favorite person baked just for me on the night before my birthday.

* Trying a delicious new-to-us breakfast spot in West Seattle. The vegetarian biscuits and gravy and hash browns were especially good.

* Seeing Hugo in 3D.

* Receiving thoughtful birthday gifts from the person who knows me best of all – a photography workshop at Photo Elan (that I attended yesterday), Drawn In – a cool Julia Rothman book that allows readers to peek inside the sketchbooks of artists and graphic designers, and I Can Fly (illustrated by the fabulous Mary Blair).

* The birthday present that I gave to myself, a collage by Lisa Congdon.

*Saturday night date night at Delancey and Bluebird.
As you guys undoubtedly know, I’m obsessed with Pinterest. Last week when I heard about an upcoming Pinterest-like site, my reaction was, “Meh. I already have Pinterest.” I decided to take a look at the video anyway, and there are some features that will have that Pinterest doesn’t (yet, anyway), and I like them – like being able to have a large workspace to move images around and organize them in different groups or ways all in the same space.


Speaking of online inspiration boards, I learned about a new site (from Oh Joy!) that’s kind of related. Currently Obsessed allows you to “stalk” (their word, not mine) your favorite style bloggers. I’m going to use this site (in addition to Pinterest, of course) to get some ideas for shopping for Alt.

Positively Present 30 Days of Gratitude Instagram Photo Challenge
I completed the photo challenge that I’ve been documenting on Tumblr. Since I started a day late, my project ended on my birthday with the “self-portrait” challenge. How appropriately cool is that? Here’s the entire collection.

Positively Present 30 Day Instagram Photo Challenge - Gratitude
Time Traveler Sketchbook
Remember the Art House Co-op Sketchbook Project I told you guys about? Although I haven’t gotten nearly as far as I would have liked by now, I have a couple of unfinished pages I can share with you.

How and Who - in progress

I’ve got about seven weeks left to complete it, so this project is going to have to move to the top of my ever-growing TeuxDeux list.

Note: I’m also super obsessed with the cool clothes, jewelry, and paper goods that I picked up at Urban Craft Uprising yesterday. But that will have to wait until another day. Photos and info to come soon!