What’s Next?: Creative Consulting Update, New Site Design, + Workshops

Hi, friends! I honestly feel like I don’t know where the week went. I’ve been buried in a redesign for my creative consulting website. I’ll be rewriting/tweaking it and adding a business blog to it, but I felt like it was good enough to go ahead and put out there! I’d love to know what you think. My goal was for it to be different from the Inward Facing Girl blog, but still consistent with my brand. 

Honestly, that’s been sucking up most of my focus this week. I’m also dabbling in a slew of new tools. Up until this point I’ve been getting by with GIMP and Inkscape to create my designs, but it’s time to move on to industry standard creative software. While I’m familiar enough to be able to jump in and get started, there’s still a bit of a learning curve while I’m figuring out the best ways to accomplish certain things. Maybe I should take some classes…

Which brings me to classes. Workshops. Fun stuff! It’s back-to-school time over here. This week I attended a public relations workshop at Brown Paper Tickets led by Barb Morgen. She was super engaging and helpful, and it is so cool that this company is hosting free workshops like this to contribute to the community by helping local businesses. There are supposed to be more in the upcoming months.

I’ve also signed up for two workshops that I’m super excited about – the Shape Up Your Content workshop by Kathleen and Tara of Braid Creative and Holly Becker’s Blogging Your Way Boot Camp. SO EXCITED for these. A side note for Kathleen: I think Drew is kind of tired of hearing about you. I’ll tell him something that I read on your blog or the Braid site and he’ll say, “Where did you hear that?” I’ll say, “Kathleen.” Then he rolls his eyes. :)

Other news…gosh, I feel like we have SO MUCH to catch up on! My CRAVE profile is up and I’m pretty happy with the way it turned out. The books should be published later this year and I’m sure I’ll give away a couple here. 

Even better news? I’m working with a new client that I’m really excited about. I’ve been a fan for a while and it’s going to be fun to be able to help them navigate the new direction of their business. More on that later.

Last but not least, if you haven’t signed up for my monthly newsletter, sign up today. The second issue will go out next week and I’ll be telling you stuff like why you shouldn’t use Instagram as your primary phone camera, but you should still follow me on Instragram. Don’t worry, I’ll explain. 

What do you guys have planned for the weekend? My parents are visiting from Louisiana and we’re headed to the Washington coast for a few days. I love exploring new places, even when they’re not that far from home. Tomorrow we’ll be wrapping up our Water.org campaign, and guess what you guys? We’ve already exceeded our goal! Thank you so much for donating and spreading the word. You have literally changed someone’s life forever.  

See you on Monday! xo


10 DAYS, 10 LIVES: DAY 9: I’m working with The Mission List and Water.org on a 10 day campaign to change lives. Just $25 will give one person access to safe water for life. Please help by contributing or spreading the word. Thank you so much! xo