Visit Domy Books in Austin Before It’s Too Late

Courtney, Drew, and NathanielWhen Drew, Nathaniel, and I went to Austin last month to visit our dear friends, Courtney and I spent some time exploring Domy Books and Olive Vintage. I’m really glad we did, because Domy Books is closing and will soon be replaced by Farewell Books. 

Domy Books in Austin

There were so many cool graphic design and art books. I could have stayed in there for hours. But luckily for Courtney, I also needed coffee

coffee break

I walked out with New Super Identity: The New Era of Creative Branding (and a cool vintage cuff from Olive Vintage, which at that time was part of the same building as Domy). I love flipping through it for inspiration. 

Before we left, I shot a short video of the store. Check out the space. I wonder how much it will change?

[vimeo w=640&h=360]

Music: “Fireworks” Traveller’s Guide



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