Mid-Century Modern Holiday Card by Melanie Biehle | 2015

Mid-Century Modern Holiday Card Illustrated by Melanie Biehle

Creating cards and other stationery products has been a long time creative goal for me. I’m happy to announce that I’ve designed a Mid-Century Modern style holiday card and it’s launched and ready for purchase in my Minted shop!


When I first started thinking about designing my holiday card my mind drifted off to 60s romantic comedies and the stylized Down With Love. I consulted my Non-Traditional Christmas Pinterest board and found lots of inspiring images for my mood board.

Mid-Century Modern Holiday Card Inspiration by Melanie Biehle 2015 | Vintage Prints and Patterns, Coco + Kelley, Making It Lovely
Mid-Century Modern Holiday Card Inspiration by Melanie Biehle 2015 | Down With Love, Breakfast at Tiffany's, Pillow Talk