Inspiration: Color Palettes + Farbraum by Nick Frank (Via Trendland)

Color Mixing at Gage Academy of Art by Melanie Biehle

My abstract painting class this week consisted of three hours of color mixing and a bit of information about color theory. As someone who is PANTONE and color obsessed (just look at all of my color Pinterest boards if you have any doubts!), it was completely awesome. We brought in items from nature and attempted to use a color triad (plus black and white) to create the colors from our natural objects. I decided to bring in a set of stones that made up a color palette that I’d like to paint with. I’ll be using some of these colors in an upcoming class project. So excited!

Working on this color chart reminded me of a cool photography series called Farbraum by Nick Frank. I first saw it on Trendland and fell in love with the idea of including color palettes as part of photographs.

Farbraum by Nick Frank (via @trendland) #color #palette #colorpalette Farbraum by Nick Frank (via @trendland) #color #palette #colorpalette Farbraum by Nick Frank (via @trendland) #color #palette #colorpalette Farbraum by Nick Frank (via @trendland) #color #palette #colorpalette Farbraum by Nick Frank (via @trendland) #color #palette #colorpalette

I’ve always loved images that include their color palettes – like the Wes Anderson Palettes,  Color Crush posts on Creature Comforts,  and this Terrain Hammocks post on SFGirlbyBay. The Day’s Color is another site devoted to color palettes. I know that I’ll do some kind of art series featuring the color palettes themselves as part of the art piece at some point.