Creative Process – Inspiration: Five Ways To Get Inspired

Need a boost of creative inspiration? Here are five ways to get inspired.

How would you like to start your week from a more inspired place? The article that I wrote for Seattle Refined this week is about the inspiration phase of the creative process. Since I write an interior design/decor column the piece is geared toward people who are gathering inspiration to decorate their home, but the process is applicable across creative disciplines. Pop over and take a look and see how you can use these tips to get inspired for your own creative projects.

Be sure to come back tomorrow! I’ll be sharing my latest project for the Lilla Rogers Make Art That Sells Assignment Bootcamp. Later this week we’ll visit Aran Goyoaga’s beautiful studio for a Seattle Bloggers Unite event, then check out MirĂ³: The Experience of Seeing at the Seattle Art Museum. It’s going to be an inspiring week! xo