Be Vulnerable

The scariest and the best parts of life can come from allowing yourself to be vulnerable.

Last week I shared a post about a creativity project that I’m participating in at Besotted. The latest prompt is “muse,” and artist Rebecca Rebouché has been mine this week. Seeing her work and adopting her process of taking time each morning to focus on my creative goals has led to lots of thoughts borderlining on obsessions. Seriously, you guys. I really am going to create a magazine.

While helping other creatives reach their goals is a huge part of what I do, I’ve resolved to spend more time on my own writing, artwork, and photography and start making progress on my own creative dreams too. Which brings me to being vulnerable. 

Putting yourself out there as a creative is one of the hardest things to do. You’re writing stories that you’ve made up, or sharing how you see a sliver of light, or taking something that exists nowhere except the depths of your brain and using a smattering of colors to put your vision on a piece of paper. Oftentimes you’re sharing very personal things or pieces of yourself. It’s weird and scary and there’s a lot of rejection involved. If you’re not formally trained in your creative field (or even if you are), there’s the worry that “the fraud police” are going to come knocking on your door to take away your artist card. 

Making art is a vulnerable act. 

But here’s the thing. People with big, bold, creative dreams, have to find a way to move past the fear and put themselves and their work out there. To live your life as an artist, photographer, designer, or writer you have to stop keeping your work to yourself.

It’s impossible to live your dream life if you’re keeping all of your dreams to yourself.

I hope you guys have a great weekend! I’ll be back on Monday with a special announcement. No, I’m not pregnant. 

For More on Vulnerability:

Get to know Brené Brown. You start with her TEDTalks

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Post notes: The photograph used for Be Vulnerable was taken by me at Bustle Caffé in Seattle. I love the weathered walls. Woman Sitting By the Pool is a colored pencil drawing and Shirt Feather Tree is a mixed media collage, both done by me.