Where is your focus?

Not long after I had Nathaniel, I started seeing elephants everywhere. Not in an, “OMG, you’re a freaking lunatic!” sort of way, even though I was, but more like, “What is the elephant trying to tell me?”

I started reading about elephants and learned that they were symbols of good luck, which I needed plenty of when I was drowning in sleepless nights and postpartum depression. The more I learned about and collected elephants, the more they showed up in my daily life. I adopted the elephant as my spirit animal, good luck charm, and sign from the universe, and continued to smile every time that I saw one.

Eventually I stopped seeing elephants, but they returned this year in early spring. All of a sudden, they were everywhere…right after my husband gave me this elephant card designed by Irene Akio on our anniversary and wrote a beautiful message inside.

Coincidence? I don’t think so.

What we’re thinking about and focused on has a huge impact on what we actually notice in our lives.

Take vision boards and the law of attraction. Some people believe that by focusing on images that represent what you want and your ideal life, that the mere act of looking at them cause these dreams to fall into your lap. Like magic. Others take a more scientific psychological approach and believe that creating vision boards allow you to focus on the goals that are really important to you, therefore you begin to notice opportunities around you that will help you reach them. I’m probably about 80% scientific and 20% “woo woo” on how it all works.

Recently I was reading a post on Copyblogger and saw a powerful video that illustrates this process. Take a look.

What do you want more of in your life? What can you do on a daily basis to make sure you’re focusing on the things that are most important to you? How can you be more aware of the opportunities that are out there for you? Let’s chat about it in the comments section or on Facebook. xoxo