One Creative Summer

This weekend I had a brilliant idea. I’m not bragging, you guys. It’s just true. I thought, what if I took a week off from blogging and used that time to focus on some of the larger creative goals that I have for myself, as well as spend time truly enjoying the pleasures of summer? I started thinking about the things I wanted to do over the next week – fitting in a couple of movies between meetings, starting my book proposal, creating story ideas for magazine pitches. It felt good.

Then this morning I thought, what if I took one week off from blogging then allowed myself the rest of the summer to blog whenever the mood strikes?

That felt REALLY good.

I can’t take a year-long sabbatical like Stefan Sagmeister, but I can do it my own way in One Creative Summer. And no, I’m not closing up shop for the summer. My next round of bigger consulting projects won’t start until August, so instead of scrambling to fill the  downtime between projects, I’m using it as a time of reflection, exploration, and creativity. I’m finding MY joy, people. 

So what does this mean?

I’m taking a week off from blogging starting now. The next post on Inward Facing Girl will be Monday, June 24th.

What about after that?

I don’t know! And that feels awesome.

Do you hate blogging?

No, I LOVE blogging! I’m not giving up my blog, I’m just getting back to the reason I started my blog in the first place. I have books and articles that I want to write that won’t live here. I have art, graphic design, and photography projects that I want to do.

Most importantly, I have a family that I want to start spending more time with.

For the past two years I haven’t taken a single day off of work. Not one. I tweeted and Facebooked from my bed during a migraine. I haven’t worked all day every day or throughout my entire vacations, but every single day I’ve done something for my blog or my business.

The past two weekends marked the first time in two years that I hadn’t spent AT LEAST three hours working each weekend day. Nathaniel looked at me like I was a space alien when I accompanied him and Drew to buy groceries on Saturday. “Mommy’s coming too? That’s silly!” Seriously.

Plus, I finished reading a novel this weekend! I hadn’t read a novel in an entire year. I have a lot of books and magazines that I want to read. I’m going to be doing the stuff I liked to do when I was a kid – running through sprinklers, reading books, going to the pool, and watching movies. I’m going to be exploring my city, going to museums and galleries, and having coffee at inspirational places. And I’ll be sharing my new stories with you at my own pace.

Things are changing. I’m so excited. Come with me!

I love social media and I know I won’t be entirely away from it during One Creative Summer. Here’s where you can find me if I’m not here.

Twitter  | | Facebook  | | Instagram | | Pinterest 

See you back here on Monday! Have a great week. Do something awesome. xoxo