Client Work: The Rebranding Process

You know what’s fun? When you get to work on a project with a friend.

I met Sandra Harris of Raincoast Creative Salon in January 2012 when we first attended Alt Summit SLC. We didn’t really talk until after the conference, but by the time we met up in person at Girl Crush Seattle we already good friends. We met up again at Camp Mighty in Palm Springs, then again when we spoke at Alt Summit SLC 2013, and just last week we spent several days brainstorming in the Seattle sunshine. 

Sandra is an overachiever. She’s already completed the Camp Mighty goal of starting a salon series that she mentioned in this video! She hired me to help her create a visual identity that encompassed her online and offline creative community ventures.

“I started blogging at the beginning of 2012. and it was really for personal reasons. I had put aside my own creative dreams for a long time in exchange for being super responsible. The blog then was my own stake-in-the-sand way of being publicly accountable to making art and creativity a priority in my life. 

I had also just moved to Vancouver from Toronto. The idea of ‘Raincoast Cottage’ was that it was my new little home in my new city. I DO live in a little cottage in rainy Vancouver. Elan Morgan (Schmutzie) did the original design. She captured visually exactly what I had imagined. And the layout was perfect for where I was then.”

“Fast forward almost 18 months later. Lots of blogging. Attended Alt Summit twice, ALTNYC once, Camp Mighty once. Spoke at Alt Summit. Contributed elsewhere and was interviewed in a number of places. Met a lot of amazing people. Learned a LOT about photography. Upped my game in words and images. And started Raincoast Creative Salon, an evening Salon series here in Vancouver. What I needed the blog to do PLUS my own personal aesthetic meant that a redesign was in order.”

“I wanted to showcase my Salon as a virtual gathering space for creatives AND a real life event series. I also wanted a clean palette to highlight my photography. And this new design does all of that.”