What I Know For Sure

Hi, friends. Have you seen my new home page? It’s still a work in progress, but it’s getting a lot closer to what I want it to be. 

Over the past couple of weeks…well, really since February, I’ve been searching. Searching for what I want to spend my time doing, how I want my life to look, what things mean the most to me, what I want my blog to be like, and how to bring more of that into my business. 

Things started to get clearer. Then I wrote this post and made this video. Then I thought some more. What do I really want to spend my time doing? 

Well, I know what I don’t want. 

I don’t want to be a full-time blogger.  {tweet}

When I started down this blogging path in 2009, my only goal was to start writing again. Period. In 2011, things shifted. I got sucked into the awesome world of design and lifestyle blogging and I was like, “Yes. That is it. That is what I want to be when I grow up.” Over the past couple of months, that’s changed. I’ve realized that yes, I want to be a blogger, but I also want to be more. And I’m starting to figure out what that means for me. 

The first step was taking down my genuineMIX site. The shop is still there for now, but I’m moving it over to Inward Facing Girl this week. I’ve been working on new copy and packages for the consulting services that I will be offering. Stay tuned. They’re going to be awesome. 

One of my friends recently asked, “What is it that you really love love love?” I said, “Besides writing, I really love love love contemporary art, graphic design, photography, mixed media collage, magazines, and Pinterest. I love reading, thinking, and writing about creativity. I love looking at photographs of where creative people live and work.”

I also love helping creative companies develop their brand, marketing messaging, and teaching them how to use social media to get their story, products, and services into the world. Taking into account all of these things, I’ve broadened my creativity quest outside the world of my blog and consulting. Amazingly enough, I’ve seen a few opportunities in the full-time job world that would encompass many of the things on my love list.

So, this is what I know for sure.

I want to live a creative life. And I’m open to seeing what that looks like for me. {tweet}

Special thanks to the lovely people who have been listening, supporting, and helping me make my way through the murkiness – Erin, Kathleen and Tara, Sandra, Sheri, Jenn, Andie, and always, Drew.  Love to you all! xo