Jump-Start Your Spark: Online Creative Writing Workshop

UPDATE: This workshop is now a workbook available on Etsy.

It’s time, friends.

When I first started writing, way WAY back in the day before I had a blog, before I wrote and optioned a romantic comedy screenplay, and before Facebook, Twitter, and iPhones even existed, I used to write in cafés. In a notebook. With a pen.

There was something kind of magical about it. Maybe it was the lack of structure and deadlines. Or maybe it was because I never gave a single thought to how Google would feel about my writing and I wasn’t spending time creating and sourcing pinnable images to fit with it.

I was completely focused on writing my story.

One of the only classes I took during my two-year college hiatus was a creative writing workshop. No one made me sign up. I wasn’t doing it because I had to. It was the first time in my life that I wanted to learn and do something purely because I was interested in it. At first I was interested in fiction. I loved writing short stories, reading the work by my classmates (and friends), and hearing what others had to say about my own stories. My first critiques were quite gentle compared to the “let’s change the main character to a completely different main character” script notes that I got years later.

Like I mentioned yesterday, one of my main goals for starting this blog was to get back into writing creatively again. And I know there are lots of other bloggers, writers, and creatives who are looking to build their skills and access that part of their brain that allows ideas to flow into authentic, creative stories. Yesterday I let my newsletter subscribers in on what I’ve been working on to help you get to this place.

Beginning next Monday, May 6th I’m teaching a six-week online creative writing workshop, and I want you to come too.

Jump-Start Your Spark is for anyone who feels like their writing needs a push or a refresh.

Maybe you’re a blogger who feels like you’ve lost your mojo, a writer going through a creative block, or someone who wants to learn how find and express yourself using your own unique voice. You might be feeling overwhelmed or uninspired. But somewhere in your foggy brain you know that you’ve got it in you, even though there are days when you don’t believe it.

What The Class Will Be Like

You will block out the shoulds and the rules and be challenged to go deeper within yourself to unearth your own unique creative spark. And I’m here to help you capture it and use it to make your words feel and speak like you.

The class consists of six weekly lessons and exercises, one lesson + exercise a week for six weeks.

Lesson 1 – Jump Right In

Lesson 2 – When the Words Won’t Come

Lesson 3 – Write Without Fear

Lesson 4 – The Art of Storytelling

Lesson 5 – Two Letters, One You

Lesson 6 – A Plan for Change

Our classroom will have discussion boards where we’ll talk about each specific lesson and exercise, a place for you to upload and share your assignments with others, and a private Facebook group for sharing and support that you’ll still have access to once our workshop is over.

When It’s Happening

Class begins next Monday, May 6th. The last lesson will be given on Monday, June 10th. You will have access to the classroom, lessons, and discussion boards through June 30th. You can continue to communicate with me and each other through the private Facebook community for as long as you’d like after the class ends.

What You Need to Participate

An email address, a Pinterest account (for one of the exercises), a Facebook account (if you want to be added to our community) , and the willingness to believe in yourself. You can do this!

How Much It Costs

The class fee is $75.00. This includes 6 lessons, 6 exercises, feedback from me and your classmates, and access to a private Facebook community of people who’ve gone through the workshop with you that will be there when you need reassurance or inspiration in the future.

Enrollment Deadline

Enrollment closes this Saturday night at 11:59 PM.

I know it’s soon, but I want to get this going and finished before summer starts!

Please email me if you have any questions at all. If you have friends who would be interested, pass it on to them. And last but not least, click here to tell your Twitter friends about it too!

See you in class! And…well, for the rest of the week too. Right here. And on Twitter and Facebook… You know what I mean…  xoxo