What’s Next?: From Awesome to Awful + Awesome Again

If you spend any time on genuineMIX, my consulting business website, you might have noticed some changes. I’ve rewritten the copy so that it’s more focused on my specific offerings and doesn’t limit my services to small business owners. I’ve added my photography portfolio and announced that I’m available for commercial and editorial work, and updated my projects page

Want to know a secret? Every time I’ve rewritten my website I’ve thought that the previous version was total crap.

I look back at it and ask myself what I could have been thinking when I wrote that stuff. I insist that it was so awful and feel like the new version is SO awesome. And, it’s true. For the time being.

It’s funny how things work. You’re never really “finished,” and honestly, that’s a good thing. Your interests and goals change, and it’s important to flow along with them. When I was at Alt, I was talking to a friend about my consulting business. I told her that I’d been limiting myself to individual small business owners since I started, and I don’t want those constraints anymore.

In my past life I worked with and for large companies that make big awesome things like blockbuster films and software that’s on almost every computer in the world. I’ve worked as a marketing consultant within a product group of a huge company. Just because you can make something doesn’t mean that you know how to sell it or how to find out what features are most important to your customer. 

Don’t get me wrong, I still want to work with small business owners. I’m still only taking on busy, creative women as my coaching clients. I just have some other things that I enjoy doing that I need to make room for too. Speaking of other things, I have some cool stuff coming up that I’d like to share with you!

On Monday, February 18th I’m speaking at CRAVE Seattle’s February CRAVEChat. If you’re in Seattle, I’d love to see you there!

The second cool thing is my first digital product launch. It’s coming, people. I have a lot of experience and information that I share with my consulting clients, and I want to bring some of it to you! While it’s impossible for me to give you the detailed, customized solutions I offer my clients, I can provide you with knowledge and steps that will help you plan your own branding, blogging, and social media marketing strategy. That’s all I can tell you for now, but stay tuned! I’m SO excited about this, you guys.

What have you been working on lately? What’s going on with your blog or business?