Social Media That Allows You To Be The Teacher

Guys…I’m not going to lie. It has been a TOUGH week!

I’ve been sick since Sunday. Nathaniel came home sick yesterday. And I’m trying to get work done for myself and my clients AND prepare for Alt Summit next week!

Today I’m going to take some time to just rest in bed and look through the issue of Stella that arrived in my mailbox yesterday straight from Copenhagen. I know it will make me feel better.

However, you have work to do. You guys told me in the reader survey that you’d like to learn more about social media marketing, so today I’m sending you over to genuineMIX to learn all about my new favorite news curation tool,! Well, it’s not new, but I’m new to using it. It’s an easy, visually appealing way to allow your readers, clients, or customers to learn from you. 

If you missed the reader survey, there’s still time to let me know what you want more of on Inward Facing Girl (and genuineMIX, if you’re part of that crew). Take it today!

Geez…I’m bossy when I’m sick…
