What’s Next?: Rules Are Made To Be Broken

When I went to Alt Design Summit in January I came home with a huge blogging to-do list. Over time, I managed to type it all up nice and neat and start crossing some things off of it.

One of the tasks I assigned myself was to create a 2012 editorial calendar for my blog. I needed to figure out what each month was going to look like in terms of content, the big picture, and a few specific ideas for posts for each theme. 

Here is the final version of my editorial calendar.

You might want to get out your pen and take some notes.

I’ll wait. 

Yes. This is REALLY my actual editorial calendar.

My point is this. There are SO MANY things that we could/should be doing for our blogs and businesses. However, we’re never going to have the time to do ALL of them. We have to pick and choose, reorganize our time, make last-minute changes, and go with the flow to some extent.

This doesn’t mean that we stop making our to-do lists or long-term plans for our business, it just means that we need to go a little easier on ourselves when we aren’t doing things “fast enough,” or “all the time,” or ever. I don’t know about you, but I have a tendency to be super hard on myself. I’ve always been my own worst critic. But I’m getting a lot better at not yelling at myself for missing self-imposed (sometimes unrealistic) deadlines.

What about you guys? How are you hard on yourselves? What are some of the things that you know that you “should” be doing for your blog or business, but aren’t? 

Here are a couple of more confessions.

  • I still haven’t gone through all of the business cards I received at Alt even though that’s been on my to-do list since February. 
  • I don’t always name my images in descriptive ways or use alt tags.

Your turn.