Ladies Who Lunch: Plum Bistro in Seattle

It was so much fun to spend time with Courtney and Ken when they visited Seattle last month. It was especially awesome to have some girl time with Courtney. We don’t get to see each other nearly as much as I’d like, but Drew, Nathaniel, and I are going to Austin in December. Yay!

So, what does girl time look like for Courtney and me? We like restaurants, shops, coffee, wine, books, and chatting (or “telling the T” as we called it 20 years ago). The T stands for truth. I can’t remember how that phrase started, or if we were actually telling the truth when others described our chats that way. I think we used to try to get people to tell us all of their secrets by saying that we were going to play the Tell the T “game.” Maybe we were just really nosy.

One of the places Courtney and I told the T when she visited me was Plum Bistro, a vegan restaurant in Seattle’s Capitol Hill neighborhood. 

We shared an amazing lunch, sampling the Mama Africa and Avocado Salad – fresh seasonal fruit, avocado, tempeh, nuts or seeds and Mama Africa mix (seasoned millet & quinoa) on a bed of mixed greens -, some delicious yam fries, and a grilled cheese and pear sandwich. Note for Courtney: I think I’m right about the last two things. Correct me if I’m not. I can’t find these on the current menu! 

Anyway, ALL of our food was delicious, but we really loved the Mama Africa Salad. Definitely get that if you have a chance to try Plum Bistro.

Does your city or town have a vegan or vegetarian restaurant that you like? I’m always looking for new places to try. I miss Real Food Daily in Los Angeles. I think it’s my favorite. xoxo