Welcome to Smells Like Coppertone + A Few Obsessions

Hi friends! My vacation break starts tomorrow, and some of my awesome blogger friends are going to be here while I’m away to hang out with you, share stories, and show you some cool stuff. You guys don’t have any wild parties while I’m gone! I will know if my crystal egg has been touched.

Although, true story, a million years ago when my pal Courtney and I lived together, some friends had a party at our apartment while we were gone. They turned one of our framed posters upside down and we never noticed. In our defense, it was a Monet waterlily print and it was right over the TV. I mean, duh, how are we supposed to pay attention to what’s over the television when we’re watching 90210 and Melrose Place? Plus I’m sure we couldn’t see anything through the heavy veil of cigarette smoke that constantly hung in the air.

Okay, before I jet off into the sunset, I want to leave you with a few things to check out. 

The Typewriter: a Graphic History of the Beloved Machine – I’m helping Janine fund an awesome new UPPERCASE book. You should too!

The ‘Busy’ Trap by Tim Kreider – Drew sent me this New York Times opinion piece. I was too busy to read it until yesterday afternoon when my son kept telling me to “go away.” Seriously…moms. What the hell is this? ALL DAY yesterday he only wanted his dad and kept telling me to go away. Please advise. 

My awesome friend Brittni from Papernstich is writing for Momtastic now. P.S. She’s also on Curbly.  

I hope you guys have an awesome couple of weeks! I’ll be checking in occasionally and if you miss me too much you can find me on Instagram, Twitter, Facebook, or Pinterest. Just not as often. Hopefully. I haven’t gone a day without working on my blog or living in the social media world for ages, so I’m not making any promises of absence, but I am making attempts.

Much love, you guys! xoxo