Notes From Day Care: Boy in Motion

Tuesday June 12, 2012

Nathaniel was pretty sensitive this morning, but had a positive turn around about lunch time! He refused to go outside, but became very upset when the class left. (He did get to join the class.) He spent a lot of time being very social today. He really likes playing cars and in the kitchen with his friends I and C. He also had a blast when we got out the parachute this morning!

Monday June 18, 2012

Nathaniel had a good day today! He loves to tell his favorite stories over and over, especially the one about the man running from the lion. :) Today Nathaniel and A had a blast playing with blocks! They stacked them up and we counted each block one by one. When it toppled over (or one of us knocked it over) we shouted, “Earthquake!” They thought it was hysterical. 

Tuesday June 19, 2012

Nathaniel loved pushing carts and pop toys on the bunnyside. He was great at moving his toys carefully around climbers and friends. Yay! In our classroom Nathaniel loved reading books. He especially loved the ABC book with animals in it and looking at himself for “Y is for You!”

Wednesday June 20, 2012

Nathaniel had so much fun climbing on small climbers in the sun today! He soaked up a lot of Vitamin D and worked his muscles. Later, after drawing many large and small circles with crayons, Nathaniel did yoga with Stephanie. He really enjoyed the crab pose and downward dog. Great day! :)

Thursday June 21, 2012

Nathaniel was very active today! We spent a lot of time jumping, skipping, dancing, and rolling in the classroom, the motor room, and bikeside. One of my favorite moments of today was watching Nathaniel figure out the bungee cord. There is a swing in the motor room and Nathaniel figured out how to put his arms in and run toward a mirror. It was so fun to watch the excitement on his face as he bounced around the motor room!

Friday June 22, 2012

Nathaniel had a good day today. He really enjoyed reading books. We have been reading a book called Please, Puppy, Please over the past few weeks and discussing what the puppy is doing on each page. Nathaniel has such a creative mind and says things like the puppy is jumping, running, hiding, chasing the cat when all you can see is the dog in movement. He loves to copy the dog by “shaking off the bubbles” after his bath in the story, just like the dog does in the story.

Monday June 25, 2012

Nathaniel had a good day today. He was so excited when we got out the parachute! He loves running underneath and hiding in the folds. :) Today we read two books where we asked them to describe what was going on. Nathaniel is great at using his imagination to guess what is happening in the story.

Tuesday June 26, 2012

Nathaniel had a good day today. I think his favorite part of the day was when we made a ball pit with soft blocks that jingle. We poured all the blocks into the circle and Nathaniel danced all over them! He climbed in and out over and over, playing a little game with G.

Wednesday June 27, 2012

Nathaniel had a pretty good day. He was very excited to see a bumblebee out on bikeside and was really happy when we sang a song about bumblebees right afterward. :) Kathy also brought some ladybugs into the classroom and Nathaniel would get really excited if he saw one crawling around! We are going to release them next week and I can’t wait to see Nathaniel chasing after them! Nathaniel had a hard time going down for his nap today. He kept asking for “Daddy.” We sang a lot of songs and got him down around 1:10. Note from Mommy: :( Poor little guy missed his Daddy. He was in L.A. for work.

Thursday June 28, 2012

Nathaniel was in a great mood today! This morning we got out mats and practiced jumping, big steps, and marching. Nathaniel seemed to really like that. Later we went out to the bikeside where Nathaniel played on some bikes and drove around the plastic car for a little bit.

Friday June 29, 2012

Nathaniel had a great day today. He was very excited when he saw we were painting a spider today. At art he jumped right in! He asked for green paint, but he had yellow and blue in front of him and loved it when we mixed them together to make green! He covered his arms and hands with green paint up past his elbows. :)


Photographs by Drew Biehle with Instagram

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