What’s Next?: Last Day in the “Traditional Workforce”

I’m not quite sure where I saw the term “traditional workforce,” but it sure doesn’t sound pinnable.

This is it. Today is the day that I will pack up my unicorns and venture out into the unknown world of being a blogger, social media/marketing person, photographer, graphic designer, and then some. Today is the day that I get to cross off the number one item on my Mighty Life List. I can’t believe it’s really happening.

I’m working on stopping the creeping negative thoughts that interrupt my glee from time to time. The ones that tell me to add “For Now” to the end of the title of this post. The ones that keep asking, “What if it doesn’t work out?” They’re very tiny voices at this point, and I’m not going to let them ruin my celebration.


1. I have a landing page and a business page.

These are both works in progress (aren’t they always?), but they’re great for now.

2. I have been accepted as a contributor to Veer.

Yay! I got my acceptance email last night. The last time I checked my photos weren’t searchable yet, but they will be soon.

3. I have started reading an actual book.

4. I have started using LinkedIn.

I still have a lot of work to do on my profile, but hey, at least I’m using it.

5. I signed up for a sure-to-be-awesome PR 201 class for bloggers, taught my lovely friend Lyndsey.

6. I signed up for a month-long online collage composition class with Claudine Hellmuth. My pal Sandra of Raincoast Cottage is taking it too!

7. I wrapped up my five-part design series with PrintRunner.

They were so easy to work with and this series was so much fun to write.

What’s Next?

1. Create a questionnaire for new clients.

2. Create other materials I will need for clients.

3. Email friends and colleagues to tell them about my new business venture and ask for referrals.

4. Create a YouTube page for Inward Facing Girl.

Gotta get going with the video making and branding, yo.

5. Hang out with Sandra.

She’ll be here soon. Yay!

Questions for You

Do you use LinkedIn? How do you use it? What do you like about it? Dislike? What has it done for you lately?

I hope you guys have a great weekend! I’ll see you back here on Monday, the first official day of Inward Facing Girl, Creative Professional. xo

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