MAKERS in Seattle

Some of you guys know that once a month I meet up with an awesome group of Seattle bloggers. Our most recent meeting was hosted by MAKERS, a coworking space in Seattle, and featured a photography presentation by Ashley Rodriguez from the beautiful food blog, Not Without Salt.

The MAKERS space is pretty awesome.

This is where they keep the bloggers.

Since I’ll be a full-time consultant in a matter of days, I know I want to get involved in some kind of coworking thing from time to time, whether it be meeting up with my blogger friends at local coffee shops a couple of days a week or finding a more permanent shared office space to cowork with other Seattle creatives.

Note to people who live in San Francisco: Rena Tom is opening a coworking space this fall called Makeshift Society, and Victoria of SFGirlbyBay is involved too. You know that place is going to be fabulous! The website is still a work in progress, but you can follow Makeshift Society on Twitter to keep up with the news.

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