Bloggers on Motherhood: Sandra of Raincoast Cottage

Sandra was sitting on the other side of Jennifer for the Alt Summit session where I had a headache and I had to leave. We don’t remember meeting each other, but I know that we did because I have her Raincoast Cottage business card. However, she does have a vague recollection of “headache girl” on the other side of Jen.

What surprised you about motherhood?

Probably how much that I love it. I came to motherhood later in life – after a corporate-y career and a career change when I went back to grad school. It was never something that I dreamt of when I was younger because I didn’t have any role models where mothering could be an “and” rather than an “either/or.” Motherhood AND a career/travel/creative fulfillment vs. motherhood OR career/etc. To be brutally honest, I saw a lot of unhappy women growing up who had talents that were lying dormant.

It took us almost three years and many miscarriages before we had our daughter who is now six years old and in grade one. I had no idea what a hard road it could be to even get to the starting line of motherhood. This being an adult is not so easy!

Now that I am a mother, what surprises me is the depth of love that I have for my girl. People tell you, you read about it but until you experience it, you have no idea. She has my heart. I would do anything for her.

Finally, what surprised me is how motherhood not only inspires me to be a better mother but to be a better person. It inspires me to follow my dreams and to be a role model for her.

What is one of your favorite memories about your mother?

It’s not so much a memory but realizing that my mother got a “do over” with her grandchildren. My older sister had kids when she was very young so my mom was a young grandmother. Due to a lot of circumstances out of her control, motherhood was probably more stressful than anything for my mom. But with her grandchildren she has had the chance to make up for that and experience young kids in a completely different way. She helped my sister raise her kids and is a much happier grandmother than mother.

What is one of your favorite things about being a mother?

The joy that I get from being with her. How she is her own person. I don’t just love her, she is a fun person to be with. Full of passion, up for anything, tons of energy, funny and creative. There is never a dull moment.

Six is a yummy age – they just adore their parents. I call it being “rock star mommy.” I know it will end or at least taper off but I am enjoying it while it lasts! Making a home where the three of us can be happy gives me a lot of joy.


Here’s one of my favorite recent posts by Sandra. And another, where I swiped the above photo of “the girl” enjoying a Fred Herzog exhibit. I get to meet Sandra in person in just a couple of weeks when she heads down to Seattle and we attend Girl Crush. I’m so excited!