Bloggers on Motherhood: Jaime of Design Milk

Welcome to the special Bloggers on Motherhood series. Today we have Jaime of Design Milk.

What surprised you about motherhood?

Everything. Mostly the emotional attachment. It would be practically impossible for me to explain to my 30-year-old childless self what my 33-year-old mom self is experiencing emotionally. It surprised me that I have new emotions that I’ve never even tapped into before. I was also surprised about the instinctual nature of the entire process – from my mental preparedness to post-pregnancy knowledge and comfort. I don’t have much experience with babies, but it was very easy to adjust. 

What is one of your favorite memories about your mother?

I think the fondest memory I have of my mom was when I was 14, she voluntarily dyed my hair fuchsia. In the kitchen sink. That was a pretty badass mom move. I’ve always been grateful for how supportive she’s been of my individuality and creativity. I hope to pass that on.

What is one of your favorite things about being a mother?

There’s nothing I don’t like about being a mother. My most favorite thing is how much fun it is. People say it’s so hard, but maybe I’m lucky, because it’s been a blast so far and I hear it only gets better (Amelia is only six months old).


In addition to being Amelia’s mom, Jaime dangerously shares all kinds of cool things on Design Milk (+ other Milks too). Here’s the post where she made me buy a Typodarium calendar.