Bloggers on Motherhood: Adriane of The A & B Stories

You guys may remember today’s featured blogger/mother and her super cool paintings from a recent Art I Heart post. I’m so excited to have Adriane of The A & B Stories on Bloggers on Motherhood!

What surprised you about motherhood?

How much it really does change you. I was nervous before my little one arrived. Scared that I would be a terrible mom, that I wouldn’t know what to do…but when he came, everything just fell into place. Don’t get me wrong, I’m still scared, but I feel like deep down I just know what to do with him. I feel so totally connected.

What is one of your favorite memories about your mother?

There are tons, but one stands out. My mom always wanted me to find really amazing, special moments in the little things. Every year as it got colder, she would get me all excited about the first snow fall. When it happened, even if it was the middle of the night, she would wake me up, bundle me in layers, and we would walk in the freshly fallen snow before anyone else did. I remember doing that every year, walking with her at night way past my bedtime, thinking it was the coolest thing in the world. And thinking my mom was just the best for letting me do something so cool.

What is one of your favorite things about being a mother?

It’s a cliché, but I love the way being a mom allows you to see the world for the first time again through the eyes of your little one. The other day Ben and I were at the park and a strong, cool wind blew right in his face, and it was something he had never felt before. His eyes closed and he had the biggest smile. We take so many things for granted every day, and being a mom allows you to really notice them again.

Adriane is the coolest, right? Besides being the mother of super adorable Ben (who’ll be one this month), she can also make amazing things like this and will teach you how to do it too!