The Embrace by Mark Doty is the poem that turned me into a poetry fan. I had the opportunity to tell him that myself way back in 2002 when he was in Seattle for a speaking engagement at Cornish College of the Arts and I was doing a review of the event for Seattle Writergrrls. I loved meeting him and hearing him speak.
The Embrace
You weren’t well or really ill yet either;
just a little tired, your handsomeness
tinged by grief or anticipation, which brought
to your face a thoughtful, deepening grace.
I didn’t for a moment doubt you were dead.
I knew that to be true still, even in the dream.
You’d been out—at work maybe?—
having a good day, almost energetic.
We seemed to be moving from some old house
where we’d lived, boxes everywhere, things
in disarray: that was the story of my dream,
but even asleep I was shocked out of the narrative
by your face, the physical fact of your face:
inches from mine, smooth-shaven, loving, alert.
Why so difficult, remembering the actual look
of you? Without a photograph, without strain?
So when I saw your unguarded, reliable face,
your unmistakable gaze opening all the warmth
and clarity of you—warm brown tea—we held
each other for the time the dream allowed.
Bless you. You came back, so I could see you
once more, plainly, so I could rest against you
without thinking this happiness lessened anything,
without thinking you were alive again.
The Embrace is included in the Sweet Machine collection. In addition to poetry, Mark also wrote a wonderful memoir called Heaven’s Coast where he shares his experience of losing his partner to AIDS, as well as an amazing book about our attachment to objects, Still Life with Oysters and Lemon: On Objects and Intimacy.