Notes from Day Care: A Crown, Where Feet Belong, Puppets Eating Plastic People

Friday, March 2, 2012

Nathaniel had a very happy day! While we were in the motor room he seemed to love R bouncing him on the inflatable balls! Also, today we got to venture to bikeside where Nathaniel got to drive his own plastic car!

Monday, March 5, 2012

Nathaniel had a very happy day today! While we were in the motor room he discovered a headband and loved putting it on his head! I (one of his classmates) kept calling it a “crown.”

Nathaniel also seemed to be more independent today – deciding to do things his own way. In the afternoon, we had a dance party where Nathaniel showed us some of his moves! He loves to dance!

Tuesday, March 6, 2012

Nathaniel had a happy day today! He spent a lot of time playing alongside G in different areas of the classroom. Even though they are young, they seem to have similar senses of humor about what silly things make them laugh!

Today Nathaniel really seemed to enjoy singing about what everyone was wearing (“Nathaniel’s wearing a blue shirt, blue shirt, blue shirt”) and kept asking for more! We went through everyone’s shirts and pants twice!

Wednesday, March 7, 2012

Nathaniel had a happy day today! He has really been practicing his climbing all over the tables and shelves in the class! We talk about where our feet belong and practice stomping instead!

Nathaniel has seemed a little sensitive at times the past few days, sticking some fingers in his mouth and crying a little. We have been trying to get him to use words to describe what is going on, which seems to calm him down.

Thursday, March 8, 2012

Nathaniel had a happy day today. He really seemed to love playing in the tunnel in the motor room! In the afternoon we got our hats and scarves and had a dance party! During Row, Row, Row Your Boat he was pumping his arms back and forth, like he was rowing a boat!

Friday, March 9, 2012

Nathaniel was very sensitive today He seemed to have a hard time with transitions (transitioning from inside to outside, from eating to washing hands). He did have a lot of fun at other points! There is a new slide on bunnyside he had a blast trying out! He also seemed to love playing with balls today. In the afternoon he started his own game with C, showing her the ball and trying to get her to roll it back! It was fun to observe.

Monday, March 12, 2012

Nathaniel had a great morning! He seemed to love splashing around in the water sink with M! Later, Nathaniel seemed really fascinated by the puppets. He got them out and he had some dance and some eat the plastic people. :) It was fun to watch his creativity! During nap time he was coughing quite a bit, but seemed in good spirits in the afternoon!

Tuesday, March 13, 2012

Nathaniel had a very social day! At breakfast he was done before G, but he hung out at the table making faces to try to tempt him to come play! All throughout the day I noticed he was being very playful with K and hanging out wherever G and I (one of his classmates) were. :) Lots of laughs and smiles! He is quite the entertainer.

Note from Mommy 

Today one of Nathaniel’s teachers told me how special she thinks he is. She said that he loves art, and is so creative and funny. She said it’s almost like he’s already sure of who he is and what he likes, and that he has such a sweet, sensitive soul. He’s always trying to cheer up his classmates, and she really loves being around him. Sigh. So nice to hear!


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