The Boy Who Wouldn’t Eat His Breakfast by Elizabeth Brozowska (1963)

It was so much fun to share The Birthday Book with you that I wanted to show you another book I loved as a child.  Apparently, I also loved playing “library” with this book. I hate to tell you kid, but if you turned in a library book that looked like that, they might take away your card.

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The Boy Who Wouldn’t Eat His Breakfast was written and illustrated by Elizabeth Brozowska for Wonder Books in 1963. It’s the story of Johnny, a little boy who…wait for it…wouldn’t eat his breakfast. So, he shrunk into this tiny person, was dumped into the garbage, experienced a rescue attempt by his wiener dog (Bobby), and flew on the back of a bird, among other things.

I absolutely LOVE the illustrations. Here are a few of my favorites. Look how cool the drop cap J is! And check out the wallpaper! And the couch! Sorry…toning down the exclamation marks, at least for now.

The Boy Who Wouldn't Eat His Breakfast by Elizabeth Brozowska

The Boy Who Wouldn't Eat His Breakfast by Elizabeth Brozowska



Are there any books that you liked as a child that have illustrations that completely wow you now?