The Birthday Book by Jane Ike (1970)

Yesterday, my topic in the Positively Present Gratitude Photo Challenge was “books.” I decided to take a photo of the three books that are in Nathaniel’s current rotation.

Gratitude Photo Challenge Day 6: Books (my 15-month-old son's current faves) #ppphoto #gratitude

You’re Finally Here! written and illustrated by Mélanie Watt – This was the first book that Nathaniel actually selected for himself. He walked right up to it, grabbed it off the shelf, and screamed “Neh!” That’s what he does when he gets excited.

Pinkalicious written by Elizabeth and Victoria Kann, illustrated by Victoria Kann

Big Rabbit’s Bad Mood written by Ramona Bădescu, illustrated by Delphine Durand

I’m so grateful that my child is such a little bookworm. He will choose books over toys more often than not. I love reading to him, and this experience has made me think of some of the books I liked as a bookworm child.

I don’t have a lot of stuff from my childhood, but I do have a few books. One of them is a Golden Shape Book called The Birthday Book, written and illustrated by Jane Ike, first published in 1970.

I don’t remember exactly why I loved this book as a child, but here are some ideas. There is a lot of pink. The book is shaped like a cake. The girl is having a fabulous birthday party and getting cool, colorful presents. The illustrations are awesome. Of course I didn’t know the words “illustrations” and “awesome,” but I’m sure that’s what I was thinking.

Over the next few weeks I’m going to share some of the books I liked as a child/pre-teen/teenager. It’s going to be really fun to revisit them. It’s also weird, in a cool way. When I looked through this book, I actually recognized some of the images. Isn’t it just neato how our brain stores things? You know, like when we hear a song that we haven’t heard in 20 years and we can still remember the lyrics?

Oh, brain! You’re so cool!
