30 Day Instagram Photo Challenge: Gratitude (Day 1: Favorite Food)

Yesterday, in the land of magical interwebs, I stumbled upon this post by Dani on Positively Present on my beloved Pinterest. Thanks for the tip, Design Quixotic

The old me might have been bothered by not being able to start this project on November 1st. Day 1 should be the first day of the month. OMG, it HAS to be. Now I have to wait until next month. But December has 31 days! What should I do for day 31?

Whew. Being the old me was exhausting. Thanks to a horrific bout of postpartum depression, I’m properly medicated and able to embrace Day 1 being November 2nd. In fact, it will actually be cool that Day 30 (self-portrait) will be December 1 because that’s my birthday!

Okay, the moment you’ve all been waiting for. My first Instagram photo for the 30 Day Gratitude Challenge.

Day 1, November 2, 2011

Favorite Food

Gratitude Project Day 1/30: Favorite Food(s)

That’s right. Nutella and French fries. But not together.

I’m not going to post all 30 days of gratitude on this blog. I know some of you are relieved. However, for those of you who are interested…

I have a brand new Tumblr site!

That’s right. Welcome to Inward Facing Girl | Studio, the place where I will document and house all of my photography, art, and writing projects. I’ll still be sharing the big stuff here at Inward Facing Girl, but the details will live on my studio site.

I hope you’ll follow my Tumblr adventures! xoxo