Tif Fussell’s Dottie Angel Book Launch


You guys, I have been a social butterfly the last couple of days. I’m definitely out of my shell. If you had told me a year ago that I’d be going to events by myself and happily chatting it up with strangers, I would have told you that you are obviously an insane person and should check into the nearest psychiatric ward tout de suite. Thanks, Zoloft!


Last night I had the absolute pleasure of meeting Tif Fussell at her Dottie Angel book launch celebration. Dottie Angel is the second book in UPPERCASE’s The Suitcase Series. Note: I just ordered the first one about five minutes ago. I may or may not have added one, two, three additional books to the cart. I’m not saying.*




The party was held at the lovely Assemble Gallery and Studio. It was so much fun to meet my Twitter friend Andie and her business partner Emily live and in person. I also got to meet one of my readers and brand new friend France, and chat with Kate. So much fun. Basically, what I’m saying is if you hang out at Assemble, you’re pretty awesome.




Janine Vangool, the publisher of Tif’s book and UPPERCASE Magazine (and a book and magazine contribution by me in the future, according to my Mighty Life List), was in town for the event. I interviewed her for my Blogspiration series, so it was cool to have a chance to say hi.


I’ve only just met Tif, but I already know that she’s a warm, funny, and charming woman with a fantastic sense of style and great hair. I really hope to see her again soon.




Want to peek into Tif and Dottie Angel’s world? Watch this short film directed by Janine Vangool.

[vimeo http://www.vimeo.com/17807742 w=640&h=360]

*Okay, I AM saying…yes. Yes, I did that. Eeek!