Liebster Blog Award

Last week I received an email from Belle who writes the lovely blog A Belle Abroad. She introduced herself and told me that she’d given me a Liebster Blog Award. I was all like, cool, what’s that, so I pulled out my trusty interwebs and tried to find out.

I’m not having any luck locating the origin of the Liebster Blog phenomenon, but according to Google Translator “liebster” means “favorite.”

Liebsters are awarded to bloggers who have fewer than 300 followers. In a pay it forward kind of style, it’s suggested that once you receive it you pass it on to three blogs that qualify that you enjoy reading. The point of the Liebster is not to grow your readership, but to build community and introduce your readers to other blogs that they might also enjoy.

I am granting my three Liebster Blog Awards to…

Bye Bye, Bitters – Helena lives in Chicago (and I get to meet her in person at Alt…so excited!). She writes about all kinds of interesting things like relationships, decor, and body image. She just got engaged so you can expect to see a lot of wedding planning posts in the future.

Emerald City Girl – Leila is an Australian expat who lives in Seattle and writes about fashion, food, and more. I just started reading her blog recently and am looking forward to getting to know her better.

Fig Takes a Holiday – Courtney is one of my best friends in the whole wide world. We lived together for five years. For those of you playing along at home, that’s half as long as I lived with my first husband and longer than I’ve lived with my current husband. She lives in Austin and writes about home stuff, food stuff, and travel stuff. Courtney doesn’t blog nearly as often as I’d like her to, so I’m hoping that giving her an effing award will encourage her to do so. Once I’ve learned exactly how to make her do what I want, she’ll be moving to Seattle. :) xoxo, cca

I hope you guys enjoy these blogs as much as I do.

Much love, much life. xoxo