A Letter to My Son on His First Birthday

Mommy and Nathaniel 8-6-2010
Nathaniel and Mommy – August 6, 2010

Dear Nathaniel,

One year ago today, you were born. And just like everyone “warned” me, my life changed forever.

I feel so lucky to be your mother. I’m grateful for you every day. Although sometimes it seems like time is speeding by way too fast, it’s been so much fun to watch you grow and change over the past year. You are such a joyful boy. I love getting to know you and watching you get to know yourself.

Lately you love to pull yourself up to stand and then let go, smiling and so proud that you can stand on your own. You also enjoy a good downward facing dog/gorilla walk. You love all fruits, including me and your father. You’re very independent. If I even attempt to feed you anything from a spoon, you use your fingers to take it off and put it in your mouth. The only time that I’ve questioned that you were actually my child is when you had a cheeseburger, tater tots, and green beans on your plate and you liked the green beans best.

You love books. Right now your favorites are Beautiful Oops, DogPeek-A-Who, Who Hoo Are You?Andy Warhol’s Colors, and, occasionally, Pat the Bunny. You kind of have a (hilarious) love/hate relationship with Pat the Bunny. The first time I read it to you, you stuck out your tongue, belted out a big raspberry, and pointed to the recycle bin. Lately you’ve been handing it to me to read because you like to smell and/or kiss the flowers and look at/kiss yourself in the mirror, but sometimes I read one page and you grab it out of my hand and toss it on the floor.

Lucky for your daddy and me, you’re an adventurer, just like us. You love to go out and experience new things. You have fun in restaurants, coffee shops, parks, art museums, exploring different cities, and generally anything that we throw your way. You love dogs and relish the times when you’re able to interact with them. You love chasing Bella around the apartment, even though she doesn’t love it. You love to point at things for us to name. You love the water. Bath time and swimming make you happy. You love going to the park and crawling around in the grass, playing with sticks, and pulling flowers out of the ground, but you don’t really care about swinging or sliding so far. You love going to day care and you have a lot of fun with your teachers and classmates. Lately you’ve been very affectionate and sweet with your little pals. We regularly hear stories about you hugging them and kissing them on the head. You’re a lover, not a fighter…so far.

Nathaniel, I love you so much that I honestly can’t even express how much I love you. I’m so glad that you’re part of my life. Happy Birthday, my amazing, sweet, hilarious, beautiful boy. You are such a wonderful person.

Downward Facing Dog – July 9, 2011