Poll: ______ in Seattle – Love It or Lose It?

Hi Friends,

Now that I’ve been doing weekly columns for a while, I want to get your thoughts on one of them.

What do you guys think about my _________ in Seattle posts? Do you enjoy reading them or would you rather have something else with your Friday morning (or afternoon) latte?

Pop on over to my Facebook page and take my super quick one question survey. Or you can leave your comments here. Or you could totally ignore me, but then I might cry.

If you have anything else you’d like to say, suggest, or ask about Inward Facing Girl, feel free to drop me a line or pop some text in the comment box.

To thank you for your participation, here is a very cute photo of my son that I took last night after he covered his hair with peaches, blueberries, and ravioli. Lesson: When you don’t have any hair product, sometimes you just have to make do with what’s on hand.


Have a great weekend! xoxo
