Art I Heart: Robots & Donuts by Eric Joyner


Eric Joyner’s Robots & Donuts series is so cool. I love his world of colorful robots paired with tasty looking treats. I recently got in touch with Eric and he was gracious enough to take the time to answer a few questions for us.


I love your Robots and Donuts series. Will you tell us a little bit about what inspired you to create it? 

I started collecting tin robots back in the 1980s and when I decided to become a “fine artist” they seemed like the natural choice for a subject. Initially my plan was to place the robots in unusual places. By 2002 though, I was out of ideas and then made the decision to add the donuts, after seeing the movie Pleasantville.

The Gardener
How did the Robots and Donuts book come about?
I had an agent who presented large reproductions of my work to the president of Dark Horse. He liked what he saw and offered me a book deal.

You attended art school, but some of us didn’t have the foresight to know that what we really wanted to be when we “grew up” were artists, writers, photographers, and/or designers. What advice do you have for people like us who want to break free from their unrelated “day jobs” and live a creative life?
Good news: you don’t need a college degree to become an artist. :)
I suggest buying some how-to books on painting, writing, or music. There are how-to videos on YouTube as well. Of course, this is for basic technical help. You’ll need to invest lots of time and money too, but there’s no need to pay tuition as well. However, if you want to teach art you will need a degree.

Landing Party
Who are some of your favorite artists and what draws you to their work?
I like the old illustrators like NC Wyeth, Dean Cornwell, JC Lyendecker, and Frank Frazetta. I also like Van Gogh, Hopper, Bellows, Monet, and Degas.

Along the Mysty Path
What are you working on now? 
I am presently finishing up some commissions and building a body of work for my next show, which is set in the Thai jungle. The show is in late January at Corey Helford Gallery in Culver City, CA.

Jungle Trek

Thanks for your time, Eric! Best of luck with your show in January.

All images courtesy of Eric Joyner. All rights reserved.