Sofia Coppola’s “Somewhere” Could Have Been Better

People who know me well know that I heart Sofia Coppola so much. She has an awesome sense of style. She is super creative – she writes, directs, designs clothing and accessories, and takes awesome photographs. She has the hippest friends and the most awesome movie soundtracks. I will basically declare anything she does as genius just because she created it. But I’ve got to say that Somewhere was kind of a letdown.

I loved the opening scene. When I saw it I was like, “Yes! We’re in for another Sofia treat.” Sofia excels at making movies that invoke a feeling. Unfortunately, the feeling I got from Somewhere was a watered down version of the feeling I got from Lost in Translation.

Don’t get me wrong. The film had some great moments like the aforementioned opening scene, the music in general, the pole dancing identical twin strippers, the dad and daughter montage at Chateau Marmont (playing ping pong, having a tea party underwater, etc.) set to the awesome song I’ll Try Anything Once by The Strokes (featured in the trailer below) Speaking of the trailer, it’s fantastic.

Sofia also does a great job of showing us the mundane world of celebrity, particularly the scene where Johnny has to hang out forever in make-up/special effects getting his face mold. The emptiness of Johnny’s life was also expressed well and, as always the case with Sofia’s films, the movie was beautifully shot.

While I usually love the quiet, contemplative tone of Sofia’s work, at times I found myself getting bored during this movie. I really do think it’s because I saw (and loved) this same sort of mood/vibe/feeling in Lost in Translation.

Do I still think Sofia’s a genius? Yes. Do I still adore her? Yes. Will I still see her next film on opening weekend? Yes. I just hope she moves past the empty Hollywood/lost theme. “Write what you know” is great and all, but I’m kind of tired of this part of her knowledge.

Let’s end on a positive note…after all, I do heart her very much.
