Being Erica Is One of the Most Awesome TV Shows Ever

Okay, people. If you’re not watching Being Erica, you should be. Like, right now. Why are you still reading this? Go!

I can’t remember how long I’ve been obsessed with shows, books, or movies that involve time travel or the butterfly effect (or Sliding Doors, as I like to call it, since “butterfly effect” makes me think of Ashton Kutcher). I mean, how awesome would it be to go back in time?!?! Not to prairie times, of course, but to revisit your own past knowing what you know now.

The main character in this show, Erica Strange (played by Erin Karpluk – who does an excellent job of making Erica seem “real,” warm, relatable, and lovable), gets to do just that. Erica is in her early 30s. When we meet her in episode one, she’s having a particularly bad day, including getting dumped by the guy she’s dating, getting fired from a job that she’s way overqualified for, and trying a hazelnut latte sample that sends her straight to the hospital.

While she’s recovering from her allergic reaction, she meets Dr. Tom, a therapist with a unique method. Eventually, Erica goes to see him and and he asks her why she thinks her life is the way that it is now. “Bad choices,” she says. Erica has lots of regrets, so Dr. Tom asks her to make a list of them. Then, shocking Erica, he sends her back in time to “fix” one of her regrets. So cool.

But, even with the time travel, one of the biggest lessons Erica learns is how to live in the present with the choices that she made. We may not be able to travel back to 1986 (yet!), but this is a message that everyone can relate to.

This Canadian show wrapped up its third season on CBC in 2010 (which I’ve seen already, and it’s so awesome), but SOAPnet (I know, I know, but trust me, it really is a GREAT show!) is airing the third season in the U.S. starting on January 26th. In the meantime, you can catch up by watching season 1 and 2 on Hulu.

If you’d like to hear Erin Karpluk’s take on the show, you can check out this interview.

If you’d like to listen to the awesome theme song that Lily Frost wrote especially for the show, you can do that here.

And last, but certainly not least, if you want to read an article about the upcoming American version of the show that ABC is developing, check out this article. Note to ABC: Don’t screw it up. I honestly can’t see how they can improve on the original, and, to me, Erin Karpluk IS Erica. I’m not sure who they could possibly cast that would be nearly as good as she is in this role.

You’re welcome.